Who wouldn’t want to learn from a leader who transformed idea and knowledge management at the World Bank? Who has written books for leaders on the importance of storytelling in transforming an organization’s knowledge culture? Who is one the most influential bloggers around? Any idea hunter, like me, would stand in line to learn from […]

Teddy Frank brings ideas with great success to where it’s one of the biggest challenges: a global corporation! At Philips Healthcare she works in one of the most innovative firms around with great colleagues, but even there, it takes a real change agent like Teddy to make ideas make a difference on a global scene. […]

Andrew Hargadon is one of the world’s leading scholars about innovation. In his early professional career, he worked with IDEO, before becoming a top flight academic. He authored a terrific book on innovation, How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate, that is a must read for firms wanting to manage innovation in […]

Matthew E. May is an internationally recognized expert on change, innovation and design strategy. He is a columnist for the American Express Small Business OPEN Forum Idea Hub. He is the author of three books, The Shibumi Strategy: A Powerful Way to Create Meaningful Change (2010), In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have […]

Howard Weinberg is a senior partner for Deloitte Consulting in their Manhattan office. Howard is one of the lead partners in their strategy and innovation practice and he supports client consulting engagements around the world. Howard and I have worked together for five years now on a variety of projects–some of which were terrific learning […]

Idea Hunter confidential is a series of interviews on idea hunting with successful professionals from all walks of life. The series will provide an inside look at where and how others conduct their hunt for ideas. Being a great idea hunter is about habit and practice: it’s learnable! By getting insights from others and sharing […]

Adam Brasel is an idea-dynamo. He’s one of the world’s leaders at studying and writing about how multi-media effects marketing issues like consumer perceptions and consumption. He’s a colleague of mine at the Carroll School of Management where he is an Associate Professor in our terrific marketing department. Adam just earned tenure at Boston College […]

Today we are starting the first in a series of interviews with the world’s best “idea hunters.” My goal in featuring these interviews is to give you more insight into the routines and processes of those who stand out for their ability to generate—and take action on new ideas. I’m calling it “Idea Hunter Confidential” […]

Ideas are arguably the most valuable asset in the information economy. Paul Romer, the famed Stanford economist, proves that ideas are the heart of human progress. But how do you find the best ideas–ideas that can boost careers, change organizations, discover new marketing approaches, create new processes, or ramp up the value of projects? Why […]