The Idea Hunter: How to Find the Best Ideas and Make them Happen
Jack Welch once said that, “Someone somewhere has a better idea.” This myth-busting book reveals that great business ideas do not spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the brilliant minds of people. Rather, great ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for great ideas — all around them, all the time. Too often, people fall into the trap of thinking that the only worthwhile idea is a thoroughly original one. Idea Hunter know better. They understand that valuable ideas are already out there, waiting to be found — and not just in the usual places.
Virtuoso Teams: Lessons From Teams That Changed Their Worlds
When a project is big enough, important enough, different enough, a good team is not enough. You need the best. Not just the best available, but the very best there is.At the heart of a great change or creative breakthrough you will often find a dynamic team of inspired individuals who work together to break out of the commonplace and make something remarkable happen. A team that generates more creativity, more energy and the very best performance. The rules of the game are different for virtuoso teams and their leaders.
Invented Here: Maximizing Your Organization’s Internal Growth and Profitability
Record breaking economic growth. Rapid global expansion. Dizzying technological innovation.Recent years have show that there are more opportunities than ever for your company to create new value, satisfy customers, and make money. But, given today’s bewildering array of management methods, how do you determine which path to follow–and how do you adapt your company for the journey?
With Invented Here: Maximizing Your Organization’s Internal Growth and Profitability, Boynton, along with co-author Bart Victor, argue that to succeed in a market where consumers increasingly demand customized goods and services, you cannot rely on any one formula. Instead, you must look within your own organization to invent, develop, and deliver the distinctive competencies that ensure growth and profitability.