Having worked with and studied teams all over the world, Boynton’s friend and
co-author, Bill Fischer and he were frustrated by the lack of exciting success stories. Teams
involved with big initiatives – change efforts, product launches, and market initiatives –
frequently didn’t live up to the great expectations. They asked why? Through research and
consulting, they came up with answers and they are found in Virtuoso Teams.
If teamwork and success are two ingredients you want to go hand in hand, reading Virtuoso Teams, then learning more about it through an interactive speech or a leadership workshop, can be your first stop to igniting your teams to achieve bigger and better things.
“Shows how to play to the standards of some of the greatest, uncompromising, creative and catalytic teams of our times. Plenty of readable, sound advice for us all.”
-Long Range Planning, March 2007
Interested in bringing Andy to your company for a Virtuoso Teams session with your employees? Please contact:
Caryn Shehi
Speakers Management